In line with current Australian Government advice regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19) and to ensure the well-being of all our customers we are temporarily unable to provide any piercing services including changeovers.
Thank you for your support and please stay safe!

10 Reasons Why Conch Ear Piercings Are All the Rage RN

by Lindsey Graham-Jones / Monday, 16 April 2018

Piercing has been a major style category since forever. And because this trend never seems to fade away, there’s always a new part to adorn — especially when it comes to the ears. In 2018, that sweet spot is the conch, the cartilage in the middle section of the ear (its resemblance to a large shell is where it gets the name). Below you’ll find our favorite shapes for conch piercings, along with some of the prettiest *and* daintiest jewels to invest in for year-round wear.

The Classic Hoop

The Crescent moon

The Inner Ear Crawler

The Fabulous Floret

The Simple stud

How will you dress up your conch piercing? Tag us on Insta @BritandCo!