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Halloween Makeup Project Brings Mythical Creatures to Life

by Eric Diaz / Monday, 16 October 2017

For some people, Halloween is on October 31st and only October 31st. But for a whole lot of other more imaginatively inclined folks out there, Halloween begins when the calendar turns from September to October. We certainly feel that way here at Nerdist; it’s why we celebrate Nerdoween all month long.

Now, thanks to Mashable, we’ve learned that one of those people is Loreli Baroldy, who has chosen to transform herself into various creatures every single day for the entire month of October. Because why celebrate Halloween on one day when you can do it for 30? According to Baroldy, “I pick the creature the day of. Usually right as I’m pulling out my makeup. I’ll use photos from online of the creatures as references.”

Day 10 is some kind of ice queen/jester. Dunno. #makeup #halloween #ice #halloweenmakeup #white #fun #creative

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