In line with current Australian Government advice regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19) and to ensure the well-being of all our customers we are temporarily unable to provide any piercing services including changeovers.
Thank you for your support and please stay safe!

I Refuse to Accept That Pimple Popping Nails Are a Thing, But Here We Are

by Lauren Adhav / Thursday, 02 November 2017


YouTube / Natasha Lee

It’s almost the end of 2017, folks, and if there’s anything I learned it’s that the love of watching popped pimples has not wavered over time. Dr. Pimple Popper will be employed forever due to society’s disgusting curiosity and weird satisfaction from watching pimples/cysts/blackheads/milia get popped. This is the world we live in.

And now, ladies and gents, on that note, I present to you this foul pimple manicure.

Natasha Lee is the genius (masochist?) behind these disgusting pimple nails. Under a hard coat of nail glue, she used banana hand cream for the “puss” that she so gloriously (and disgustingly) squeezes out. She even adds red nail polish to create the realistic effect of irritation that only an annoying, massive blemish would create. It’s great!

YouTube / Natasha Lee
YouTube / Natasha Lee

If you need me, I’ll just be staring at this in horror for the rest of the day.

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